Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Wednesday 7 November 2007

What Constitutes a Performance?

What a difficult question.........
It is something that i have been encouraged to think about for a few weeks now, and I am perhaps a little clearer about it in my mind.

I feel a performance is...........
* A group or individual presenting themselves in any form of time and space.
* Something which is witnessed by others
* An occurance or event which leads to some kind of provokation of thought for
spectator or performer

I feel a performance does not have to be.....
* A planned event
* Ocurring in any defined space such as a theatre or T.V studio
* Justifiable

It seems that Auslander believes that one should not attempt to distinguish clear differences between live and recorded performance. Rather he draws on their similarities. For example saying that much like a T.V. image can be there and gone in an instant so too can a live performance.
Auslander writes:
"On this basis, the historical relationship of liveness and mediatization must be seen as a relation of dependence and imbrication rather than opposition. Similarly, live performance cannot be said to have ontological or historical priority over mediatization, since the live was brought into being by the possibility of technical reproduction."

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