Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Thursday 17 January 2008

Final Post Ever!

I fear the time has come to type my last ever blog entry.......
In some ways I would like to say that I will keep a blog again but in all seriousness I don't think its going to happen.

Using this blog has been a steep learning curve for me and there have been times that I have enjoyed making it (mainly choosing the colours!) but I also do not feel any desire to keep one for fun.

I have myself had at times very conflicting opinions on the ideas of virtuality within performance. At times I have been thoroughly impressed and felt that I understood the use of such mediums and on reflection this seems to be mainly in the work of professional companies. Maybe this is because they really justify their uses of these mediums? To me having a purpose and intention (other than finding you own fame) has and always will the making of a valid performance. There have equally been as many times when I have been disinterested and angered by the things that virtuality and technology seems to allow. Exposure to it that I have not wanted especially in the form of the internet has simply made me hate it even more.

So........ goodbye blog, goodbye computer, goodbye mind-numbingly boring screen......

Im FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Virtuality Presentations

Well................. weren't they good!

I actually find myself having to admit that I was very impressed by the different presentations that groups gave. I find myself wondering if any of those pieces would have worked as well and been as entertaining without the use of technology and virtual performance and I feel that my answer has to be no.

I was really interested to learn more about the game second life, something I had myself research a little. It seemed so bizarre to watch their avatars walking around talking and communicating to one another. I thought that the way the group highlighted the idea of being able to create perfection in the virtual world was really interesting and very valid in today's society. The extremes to which second life can be taken to, for example having cybersex on screen, were really quite shocking for me. In no way did finding out more about this virtual world make me want to join it or really even investigate it any further. I feel that there is such a danger with this sort of expansion of people living life in the virtual that areas of social behaviour and interaction may be seriously damaged. I hope so much that in my life time or even my children's, people do not begin to forget about real life and feel that they can use the internet as their main means of communication. PLEASE!

I also think that I took most from 'Rachel Loves Steph' where the group had created two characters both teenage girls and made a video diary that they posted on you tube. They used this to tell a story of how the girls used the internet to try and find new friends and it was amazing to see the comments they got. They created part of the story themselves and eventually had one of the pair go off to meet someone they had supposedly met on the net and it all turn horribly wrong. I was firstly shocked to see that no one suspected the video of being spoofs and secondly I was horrified that while the videos have received nearly 2000 hits when it became clear that Rachel had gone missing only one person left a comment simply saying 'you must be the dumbest girl ever'. I think it really made everyone think - you never can know who the person you are talking to is.