Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Media Installation Art

Looking through the week seven blog I became very interested in the work of David Rokeby. He is a media installation artist something which seems to be becoming more and more popular as a form of 'performace' in todays society.
I was interested by a lot of his work as I viewed it as a positive approach to exposing new forms of media and technology. It was a live form of performace in the sense that it brought the art straight to the people.
The piece 'Vienice Biennale of Architecture' seemed to merge media into the urban landscape in a way to become part of the place it was 'living' in. I found the piece very powerful in its imagery, I viewed the images as a progression through the look of a city. Working from the old foundations through to a new cemented street. The beauty however of installation art I believe, is that people can draw from it whatever they chose.
However, I wasn't keen on his sound installation piece >>n-cha(n)t<< class="blsp-spelling-corrected" id="SPELLING_ERROR_1">conversations and relationships via a 2D screen, taking away from people being able to make interactions with others face to face and loosing the social skills needed to create a good society.