Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Monday 29 October 2007

You Tube Glory!

This was something I heard on the news this weekend, and was yet another reason for me to hate the publicity people can receive from posting on blog or video sites.

It is a story about an ex-army officer who urinated on a dying women -

"Sue Jacobs, prosecuting, said Anderson first kicked the helpless woman and when she groaned but failed to move or open her eyes, fetched a bowl of water and threw it over her. "Apparently urged on by the fact that Scott Clement and Simon Whitehead found this amusing, you then stated that you were going to urinate on her. Simon Whitehead cleared space on his mobile and recorded Anderson urinating all over Christine's body." One of the group shouted: 'This is You Tube material.'"

When considering the question of what is performance? This group of people obviously thought that they could have some kind of fame or glory (however sick that may be) by showing this act world wide on you tube. It was a form of virtual performance recorded on a mobile phone intended for publication on the Internet.

With the virtual world it seems that anyone can make themselves a 'star' or at least have their 15 seconds of fame!!! One of the main reasons I feel people want this is due to the importance of POWER in the Western World today. I think it will take a lot of questioning as to why people are not happy to keep videos etc. of themselves private.

If there was no you tube would the terrible acts committed by these people have ever occured?