Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Monday 3 December 2007

The Proffesional Video

The Amature Video

The Hidden video

Home made videos

This week I have been looking at home made videos in relation to my project. I wanted to look at different types that people have used and draw some inspiration for my project as we feel that the best format to promote our idea will involve us creating a 'home-made' video to place on our blog.

It seems to me that I have been witnessing 3 main types of 'home-made' video.

1) The professional - although these are videos made by your everyday Joe Bloggs they are clearly attempting to be as professional as possible. The aim is clear that they want to make a proper performance and sell themselves on the internet. These people are looking for fame!

2) The amateur - these videos are much more slap-dash with little thought over camera work, visual etc. however there is still the acknowledgement by the people in the video that they are doing this for people to watch and for effect. Although they seem much less conscious than the professionals you still are witnessing some level of performance.

3) The Hidden - I've have chosen to call the last category the hidden as these videos are those that seem like the camera is hidden from the people or at least that they are taking very little notice of it. There is very little sign of performance and what we are viewing is like a 'big-brother' view of something or someone.

In my opinion I have found 'The Hidden' the most entertaining to watch. I find something very refreshing about these videos and really quite enjoy viewing them. Although they are clearly not set out as looking to create a performance when then posted on the internet as video blogs in a clear framework, they seem to become a performance. I think this idea or performance without trying to be a performance is something that has begun to emerge in the ideas of some contemporary companies.
The Amateur is what I think will work best for our project as we want to look like we are normal people without amazing camera and editing skills but still want to acknowledge the fact they we are creating the video to place on a blog. There will definitely be a strong element of performance in our video and what we are saying and doing is clearly for the effect of our viewers.
The Professional was sometimes very entertaining to watch but at others was almost too good to want to watch. I find it much more entertaining if there is some element of risk of something going wrong or if the action does not appear pre-planned. It is also very off putting when you are aware of how desperate the performer is of trying to create a field to promote themselves and like in the majority of videos of this type I have viewed the performers actually aren't very good. There is something a little sickening about it and I want to tell the people to start living in the real world!

Watch this space and I will try and upload a good example of each type of video....