Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Tuesday 27 November 2007

The Builders Association continued

Their project 'Invisible Cities' which ran between 2005 and 2007 I have been particularly interested by. The title referred both to virtual worlds created through the means of technology but also to the 'sub-cities' that the teenagers of New York, their audience, were a part of.
The project was a community based piece working with a group of "at-risk" high school students selected from The Brooklyn College Community Partnership. The Builders Association facilitated the use of complex graphic design, digital editing and 3D modeling software for a group that didn't otherwise have access to these tools in an aim to bridge the 'digital gap'. The material generated from these groups of teenagers resulted in a multimedia installation at 3LD Technology.
Following on from this, their project 'Continous Cities' looks at how information is distributed to a world wide audience.It has provided an opportunity for anyone anywhere to enter the project via a social networking site in which the company hopes 'local participants will form a kind of video Greek Chorus for the performance'. It is an investigation into ones sense of 'place' and how this works globally with electronic connections.

The Builders Association

This contemporary company founded in 1994 New York-based performance and media company have created work looking to investigate the boundaries of contemporary technologies and extend these into the theatrical world.Through their work they blend elemants of text, sound, architecture, video and stage performances that explore the impact of technology on human life and societies.Read on for some of their work....