Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Tuesday 27 November 2007

The Builders Association continued

Their project 'Invisible Cities' which ran between 2005 and 2007 I have been particularly interested by. The title referred both to virtual worlds created through the means of technology but also to the 'sub-cities' that the teenagers of New York, their audience, were a part of.
The project was a community based piece working with a group of "at-risk" high school students selected from The Brooklyn College Community Partnership. The Builders Association facilitated the use of complex graphic design, digital editing and 3D modeling software for a group that didn't otherwise have access to these tools in an aim to bridge the 'digital gap'. The material generated from these groups of teenagers resulted in a multimedia installation at 3LD Technology.
Following on from this, their project 'Continous Cities' looks at how information is distributed to a world wide audience.It has provided an opportunity for anyone anywhere to enter the project via a social networking site in which the company hopes 'local participants will form a kind of video Greek Chorus for the performance'. It is an investigation into ones sense of 'place' and how this works globally with electronic connections.

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