Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Me enjoying life - I don't like the virtual!

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Surveillance Camera Players

First founded in new York in 1996, this group of performance artists create pieces of politicall yaimed theatre. They are using performance as a peaceful protest to campaign against the use of surveillance cameras in public places as they feel this is a violation of human rights and peoples right to privacy. I have been drawn in by this company as this is an issue that I feel strongly about and the amount of infringment the government and indeed companies have on our details and whereabouts is very scary. I am also keen on the way that they are using the technology as part of the performance, but still clearly promoting a negative message towards it. They use specially adapted plays and short scenes to perform directly infront of these cameras, often meaning that only those surveying the footage would see the performacne but I like this idea. In a lot of ways it is more their message that is then spread through forms of media that makes their point. The group welcome others to spread their message and even want to allow other groups to take on their name. Their website includes a 'how-to' manual, to show others how to create these forms of protest. I have been really inspired to try out such a performance and love the attack the company is making on advanced forms of technology that I also believe are becoming exsessive and damaging the individual. As they say "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER"

Monday 17 December 2007


It has been a while since my last post. Its seems that I still find it hard to stay on the net if I am not being encouraged to. I may have learnt a few thing about the internet and computer technology but for me no great love afair has developed as such. Not to blog has developed greatly and I have been focusing most of my thoughts lately on my group project. We have established our blog as a pair and have also got a wiki site to allow us to script write over the holidays, (and I have to admit this is a useful tool) so we are on our way. I have been really interested by the material I have been finding to back up our investigation. Trying to prove that the internet contributes to a lot of negative behaviour and occurences is not actually that difficult. I have also been considering the best way to present our ideas, and after looking at the form of home made videos which I have gone into a bit more in detail on the previous blog I am keen to attempt to create an amature video for our piece.

I have also been interested to start reading about the Surveillance Camera Players.
Check them out via this link
Or watch this space as I hope to give a report on my findings soon .....